Vasiariah, the judge, now seemed far more interested in the actions of his fellow deities than the endless intrigues in which mortals engaged.
There were endless intrigues aimed at usurping the Imperial throne, in hopes of founding a rising dynasty.
The Empire prospered anyway, but social class resentments against the modest origins of the Falconeri Imperial House eventually plunged the worlds of Sabre into endless political intrigues.
The Arena feels so clean and uncomplicated after the endless intrigues and politicking in high society.
Tired of endless corporate intrigue, she left for Europe with Nick and his wife Susan.
Not for them the endless intrigues and the constant scrabble for advantage.
He'd spent his childhood on a dozen different planets, as his father darted around the Empire pursuing his endless intrigues.
Two o'clock was the Paramount Gate, where Kali and her Thugs and Krishna and his Orangemen conducted endless stealthy intrigues against each other.
In both instances, a key question is whether the increasingly aggressive anti-Government tactics will strike a responsive chord in a population that seems increasingly weary of the seemingly endless political intrigue.
The modern heroines acted transparently, whereas their early-18th-century counterparts had resorted to secret dealings in endless intrigues.