I thought for the hundredth time about the endless labour which made up the lives of these little farmers.
Workers in ragged clothes move wearily, as if overcome by heat, poverty and endless labor.
Maybe the endless labors were too much for them - this was certainly no picnic-world in the early days.
And these were the lucky ones-beasts whose owners felt they deserved an honorable retirement after years of endless labor.
He was happy to be away from the endless labors of his position in the War Department for at least a few hours.
No other women she knew could reach that advanced age without having long since been turned into crones by endless labor, deprivation and abuse.
The next couple of days were endless labor, broken only by food, sleep, and stolen hours with Alice.
Such rooms were museums, entailing endless labor to keep clean.
But to attempt to describe the variety of the pictures Willie saw would be an endless labour.
The endless labors of crops and farming exceed her old bones.