She listened to George's endless monologue of missed financial opportunities, nodding automatically in the appropriate places and occasionally drifting off into thoughts of Martin.
No matter which was which, Bateman talked, an endless monologue that jumped from topic to topic with hardly a pause.
His endless monologue continued.
Gabri seemed friendly enough, even a little bit amused by Alexei's endless monologue.
He sets up roadblocks with his endless interior monologues and sudden changes in point of view.
Perhaps that was why these women did not object to Sonia's endless monologues delivered in her foreign tongue.
In a moment Dug's endless monologue faded out He was now too humble to bore the others with all his thoughts.
Especially since he'd already encountered one of her endless monologues.
Ms. La Barbara, like everyone else here, delivers seemingly endless monologues, half sung, half chanted.
The part also meant memorizing endless monologues that needed to be delivered with Hoover's own breakneck cadence.