The moon has been bitten away to nothing, grown round and fat again, and is now being devoured a second time through the endless progression of nights.
And finally, a seemingly endless progression of petits fours (homemade marshmallows are a revelation).
But then there are endless progressions beyond that.
He'd seen a seemingly endless progression of young kids go to war and eventually not come back.
"Here," I cried, "here, at last, do I realize the meaning of endless progression!"
I heard the driving onwardness of Bach, the endless progressions.
The waters of the Blue Divide passed steadily beneath, an endless progression of waves.
Low hills rose and fell in seemingly endless progression.
For 10 years, my mother said, her sons seemed like an endless progression of different-colored flannel uniforms that needed to be washed.
The buildings, all unroofed by time and the endless progression of the seasons, had a strange, alien quality about them.