Eurogamer stated that "it's a game built for endless replay and community expansion beyond that."
No endless replays of the highlights.
In the endless replay of syndication, where time is cyclic, not linear, sequence no longer matters.
Before they board, Americans pause stony-faced at the endless replays of the stricken twin towers on airport TV's.
Murders committed against homosexuals by those presumed prejudiced against them receive top billing and endless replay.
They may not be able to hide their eyes from the endless replays on the television screen, but they don't have to rule on them.
I lay back in the cushions, watching the endless replays and interviews and flashbacks flowing across the empty stage until I was numb.
The endless, slow-looping replay of the night in the jungle, the memory filling her mind.
She wanted to cease the endless replay of thoughts.
The bloop-bloop-bloop music continued on endless replay.