And she broke into a smile as natural as the day's endless snows.
"This, as I recall, while we were flying above endless snow and a frozen lake."
The unlucky ones, unable to keep up the pace, were uncuffed from the chains and cast off to be left alone in the endless snow.
Henry looked around, saw nothing but endless snow.
His voice loosened a little at the memory of the calm, endless snow, the silence lying always beneath the wind.
In time, he sleeps, dreaming about golden notes that glitter against gray stone walls and endless white snow.
Second, a black tent would provide the best possible contrast against the endless snow and ice if one became lost.
In the midst of seemingly endless snow, sleet and rain, this bright show delivers what it promises.
I could not even tell where the horizon might be; all was blurred in endless snow and ice.
Snow, endless snow, and some sort of stone dwelling, windows encrusted with ice.