The words and the endless song lulled him finally into sleep.
In fact, they sang beautiful, endless songs in their language, which the visitors finally managed to puzzle out enough to understand.
Amelie interrupted her endless song to say, "Didn't make it.
The cold eastern wind filled his ears with its endless song.
Then the call came again, cutting through the harmony of the wind's endless song like a whitecapped wave on a still pond.
It would still be a while before the low sun at her back set, but already the cicadas had started in with their endless droning song.
And having told her this, the whale swam back again among the others, and resumed his portion of the endless song.
She had become a part of their endless song, for a time, and it changed her forever.
The slot machines chanted their endless song in the background.
The fortressed door stood open again and yellow light poured in, along with the endless song of a bird.