He paused there, staring down at the lowlands and the endless sweep of the Narian Forest.
To my right was the endless sandy sweep and white surf of Rhossili Bay, curving for miles round to the distant headland of Burry Holms.
A cloudless, sourceless moonlight revealed endless sweeps of smooth black rock and sharply edged the featureless horizon.
As Cindy grew weaker in the endless sweep and pull of the oar, I tried to relieve her.
The endless sweep of sky and stars loomed above.
No other mountains or hills marred the endless sweep of the high plain.
Martin shrugged, twisted to look over his shoulder at the endless sweep of Penobscot Bay.
The great endless sweep of the night above the battlements.
His plotting completed, Mitsuyama gazed out over the endless sweep of the Plains.
He avidly hiked, kayaked, or skied whenever possible, thriving on the endless sweep of mountain wilderness that surrounded him.