That means an endless tour, though Moe is taking a month off the road after its two shows this weekend at Roseland.
The so-called "endless tour", the result of years of financial risks and mistakes, also became extremely taxing.
The so-called "endless tour"-the result of years of financial risks, drug use and poor business decisions-had taken its toll.
Hereafter begin the presentations and endless tours throughout Latin America.
A women's chorus, which has become a nuisance to the Leisure Directorate, is consigned to an endless tour far from Moscow.
Bob Malone moved to Hollywood in 1996, and has embarked on an endless tour, playing an average of 100 shows a year.
Brian is currently on an endless tour.
"I'm on the endless tour," Mr. Rushdie said.
He gracefully gives the facts of her endless tours early on to raise money to support her free schools, Craig and her always impoverished family.
Phish entered the 1990s as a national touring act, performing coast to coast across the United States on somewhat of an endless year-long tour.