The endless touring, the promotions.
"I was tired of the rock n rock lifestyle, the endless touring and I didn't want to do music just to be popular."
Warwick left the band and his music career in 1966, feeling the strain of endless touring, to become a carpenter and spend time with his family.
In 1960 he retired to work in the family air conditioning business, citing the stress of endless touring, but returned to music in 1984 and recording three albums.
Mule's first album ended up on Spin Magazine's "Ten Best Albums of 1993 You Didn't Hear" list and prompted endless touring by the band.
After seemingly endless touring to support his first album with Between the Buried and Me, the band began writing for their fourth studio album Colors.
I want to be free of the endless touring, of the long journeys, the overnight stays in theatrical lodgings, the endless tussles with theatre managements.
His unofficial entry into the race had foreshadowed his campaign style: he took to the airwaves and ignored the endless touring that has marked Presidential contests since 1960.
It both celebrates and, with gentle knowingness, ridicules the noisy, raucous world of big arena shows, endless touring and androgynous machismo that was 80's metal (Scott).
So far, she has thrived mainly through the devotion of a core, almost cultish, audience attracted by her high-velocity feminist lyrics, rapid-fire guitar strumming and endless touring.