On an endless voyage gone!
Cash for the afterlife when he and Ricky would sail the world and spend it all in one endless voyage.
The Dutchman, despite his endless voyage in search of love, remains a cold customer.
The endless voyage to nowhere would go on.
How can I hold my enthusiasm for an endless voyage into the deepest, emptiest realms of Creation?
He takes us on an endless voyage into his nightmarish white-boy past to discover whether he is a racist or not.
After what had seemed an endless, tense voyage, arrival was a culture shock for the American troops, many of them National Guardsmen who rarely went overseas.
"It's all about incredible efforts," he continues, "endless voyages to find the stones, an extraordinary mechanism that gives each piece its true significance."
Their number dwindled quickly and dramatically as the mariners and Captain Newport made the endless voyage back to England.
At the Throne And time passed, and time passed, and the endless voyage went on.