A simple, painless operation that leaves you unchanged-no disturbance of your endocrine balance at all.
Everything from temperature and pulse to endocrine balance, liver function, hair-follicle growth and anything else that could be measured or assessed was there.
Subtler methods of modifying endocrine balance continued to be explored.
I guess that depression is a function of biology, constitution, and hormonal and endocrine balance, and that a cheerful outlook is too.
A thought flitted through his mind: What will the telemeter record show on Sparrow's endocrine balance this time?
Unless you contract for an abnormal endocrine balance.
Alas," Surplus said sadly, "I am a unique creation, and my table of endocrine balances was lost in an accident at sea.
Lots of theories -enzymes, blood sugar, endocrine balance, what have you -but no proof.
The rapporteur's text describes a large number of potentially harmful effects of chemical substances on the endocrine balance in humans.
Science has not yet established clearly and conclusively that there is a direct link between these chemical substances and changes in the endocrine balance in humans.