At the same time, the party cancelled political trials, released political prisoners and endorsed a multi-party political system.
At the congress the party formally abandoned its Marxist-Leninist ideology and endorsed a multiparty democratic system.
Rice does not have or endorse a Greek system, with the residential college system taking its place.
Democratic socialists endorse a post-capitalist, socialist economic system as an alternative to capitalism.
Koop appeared to embrace it by issuing a report that endorsed a system of family-centered, community-based, coordinated care for children with special needs.
Meanwhile, Judd is reluctant to become a prefect, since he feels that he cannot endorse a "system of oppression" such as this.
The Republican plan set no specific priorities for financing but endorsed a system to defend the United States against a ballistic missile attack.
To accept them, they argue, would be to endorse a undemocratic system based on patronage.
The Commission also explained this morning that it clearly endorses a compulsory system.
They did endorse a system of public financing of elections that would provide candidates with vouchers to spend on communicating with voters.