After all, on the previous day you endorsed Bill Clinton for President despite the ethical lapses you so honestly pointed out in your endorsement.
All three of the major candidates for mayor of Seattle in 2001 endorsed a monorail project despite no details being known about the project.
The president formally endorsed Soria despite their past differences, however, while maintaining her distance from both candidates.
Wardell endorses digital distribution, despite the potential for piracy.
Cassius Clay, a political enemy of Letcher's for years, endorsed Breckinridge, despite their differences on slavery.
In other words, he endorsed an attack against Spanish democracy, which was the arrest of these People's Party activists despite the lack of evidence against them.
As rapporteur, I fully endorse these measures, not least because many ferries are still, despite recent tragic events, simply not safe enough.
In 1989 he endorsed a ban on imports of semi-automatic weapons despite opposition from the National Rifle Association, of which he is a life member.
We endorse Sidney Strauss, an attorney with similarly close ties to the Democratic Party organization, despite reservations about his political independence.
Bishops from Anglican churches around the world endorsed a compromise plan today for maintaining their ties, despite continuing divisions over the consecration of women as bishops.