These same groups have universally endorsed Judge Alito's nomination.
Thomas Mann once even endorsed Freud's nomination for the Nobel Prize in Literature.
On 10 April 2012, the Senate endorsed his nomination with 19 votes in favour to 3 votes against.
Anger turned to outrage in the next two days when that newspaper and The Los Angeles Times endorsed Ms. Baird's nomination.
The deans of over one-third of the country's law schools, sixty-nine people in total, endorsed Kagan's nomination in an open letter in early June.
Dr. Melosi endorsed its nomination as a historic site because the first sanitary landfill was a landmark for public health.
Earlier Wednesday, the National Association of Manufacturers endorsed Judge Roberts's nomination, entering a federal judicial confirmation debate for the first time in its 110-year history.
Buchanan resented the fact that Breckinridge had supported both Pierce and Douglas before endorsing his nomination.
Having endorsed his successor's nomination, we are in agreement about his qualifications too; we take a favourable view of him, and wish him every success.
Among his fans is Mr. Greenspan, who publicly endorsed his nomination for Treasury Secretary.