"First Boston enthusiastically endorses our current corporate strategy, which is to become a smaller, financially sound consumer-products company," he said.
But O'Neill, still sounding like someone who wants to play every day, did not necessarily endorse Showalter's strategy with Blalock.
Shareholders seem to endorse his strategy.
Even those who endorse Mr. Gerstner's basic strategy worry that growth will falter.
That committee ended up unanimously endorsing Continental's strategy of siding with the government.
On Wednesday, the board met in executive session and informally endorsed his strategy.
Jan asked, expecting Alice to endorse her strategy.
Stockholders seem to endorse his strategy and have pushed up shares 249 percent since January 1998.
But the union is carefully examining the details and has not indicated whether it will endorse or oppose Mr. Carty's strategy.
As it did then, the House endorses the Commission's strategy.