Like all pioneers he had endured much persecution from the Parisian Press, and every fresh phenomenon was another weapon for his own defence.
The Christians have endured persecution for the last millennium and a half, using their own resources in battle, as well as in politics.
In January 1927, having endured religious persecution, rebels began the Cristero War.
Akeman was a man who earlier endured severe persecution in Missouri, but later turned bitterly against the Church.
The early Cornish Quakers endured much persecution but after 1675 they made many converts.
Followers of Samin still endure persecution from others who consider them slow and resistant to change.
His mission at first gained few converts and endured persecution.
His preaching often led him into personal danger, and he endured considerable persecution and hardship before gaining a following.
No longer did Inspirationists have to endure persecution by outsiders.
The choreography evokes the way they have wandered from country to country, often enduring great hardship and persecution.