Kenyon Martin has endured setbacks with his left knee becuase of tendinitis.
Despite seven All-Star Game appearances and Olympic success, Kariya has endured wrenching setbacks, including a serious concussion five seasons ago and family grief this season.
He wrote that the immigrants survived the ordeal through their "spirit, which enabled them to endure and overcome almost insurmountable difficulties, disappointments and setbacks."
Then, the relatives endured further emotional setbacks.
Through some mixture of obliviousness and stubbornness he has endured hardships and setbacks none of them have faced.
He endured galling professional setbacks and crippling attacks of gout with the same philosophical equanimity, if not acquiescence.
On both the racetrack and in the corporate world, he has endured setbacks.
He has endured enough setbacks to discourage a lesser entrepreneur, but Cardin maintains his sang froid.
Mr. Rabin has endured setbacks of his own.
Since then he has gone on to win more than 3,000 races, but his career has endured setbacks as a result of serious injuries.