Spenser, who was found to have a brain tumor at age 2, has already endured surgery three times for it.
He endured surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy in an effort to cure himself while simultaneously continuing his work with Altan.
In June 1992, Myler endured major surgery on her right shoulder, which she has dislocated four times.
She endured surgery and currently has no further signs of cancer.
When there is a conflict, it typically involves families who feel their loved one would not want to endure surgery or treatment that might not succeed.
In 1985, his quality of life was severely reduced when he developed oral cancer and had to endure extensive surgery to have it removed.
She endured surgery and chemotherapy, even volunteering to test a new cancer drug.
Instead of enduring major surgery and several weeks of recuperation, she felt fine in two days and has had no problems since.
Many of the novices have already endured surgery or chemotherapy and been told that their cases are hopeless.
But medical experts say the procedure could eventually extend the lives of many people who are too frail or ill to endure open-heart surgery.