It had been made to endure wind and weather.
Sunderland endured 25-knot winds and 10-foot seas for more than 24 hours on October 13.
It can endure strong winds, but not salty maritime exposures.
Northern Europe has endured violent wind and rain, in addition to a record-breaking cold snap last month.
Another distinctive aspect was their communal stone houses, half buried in the ground to endure the cold, wind and snow of the winter.
They are tucked tightly in their winter-proof packages to endure the severe cold temperatures and winds.
Although the Williams's home lost electricity and endured high winds and forceful rain, there were no injuries or damage.
On 8 January 2012 the Rena broke in two after enduring heavy winds and seas overnight.
On the way to the brain, the ship is buffeted by the beating heart and endures gale-force winds in the lungs.
I believe his plays, from The Room in 1957 to Celebration in 2000, will endure wind and weather.