The enduring affection for Stalin is evident, too, in the demand for Stalin memorabilia.
The prime minister's pragmatic stance acknowledges that most Australians have a deep and enduring affection for the Queen.
A shift in tone at the end signals the enduring affection and pride in being the older sibling.
The radio and television broadcaster Katie Derham on her enduring affection for Rio de Janeiro.
In contrast, flesh and blood pets provide mutuality, a relatively exclusive and enduring affection, and often some self-enhancing function.
But none of them, I think, has rivaled our guest this evening for the enduring affection of the American people.
But he and Paul had had a deep and enduring affection for each other since they were teenagers and it had never disappeared.
Herbert Moreira-Brown, 40, a public school teacher, explained his enduring affection for B. Smith's.
My enduring affection for ye olde original triumphs over this calculated spectacular.
But Ms. Mason instead displays an enduring affection for them and their circumscribed world.