Is far-reaching, enduring change in the postwar standoff now possible?
Susan Karten, a lawyer who has handled numerous lawsuits against the department, said she was skeptical of viewing any recent improvements as an enduring change.
But he finds it improbable that the war worries would generate enduring changes in spending.
It was a move that, Ms. Perez said, hurt her personally and one that has resulted in enduring change.
Perhaps the most enduring change during the 19th century involved participation in social reform movements.
The broader question is whether the war forges an enduring change in the Democratic Party, its stance and its credibility on national security.
"Then the futures went up, making the case this was an enduring change in energy prices."
During this stage, the Commission will have the mandate to promote major and enduring change to the taxi and hire car industry.
I would ask the Commission to look at enduring changes.
It is therefore very important to try and assess the more enduring changes shown in Figure 8.4, and Table 8.4.