Other sections of the novel, set in Nice in the 1920's, chart a different and more enduring form of separation.
This change established Angra in its most enduring and prolific form, which lasted from 1993 to 2000.
It is an enduring form of a stuffed animal that has become a collector's item.
The exhibition, which opens Saturday, traces the social and architectural history of three centuries' worth of this enduring form.
Whether it will turn into an enduring form of entertainment, let alone a profitable one, is an open question.
Unwittingly, they created an enduring form of Americana that to millions evokes their childhood.
The most common and enduring form of removable-storage technology is magnetic storage.
Such enduring forms of interaction in the immediate environment are referred to as proximal processes.
As with most enduring musical forms, she concluded that the two were, in fact, inalienable.
Some of the more enduring forms survive in the Gullah Islands.