This is the most enduring myth, the one that remains popular even among those who don't believe in the garbage crisis anymore.
But since then, many enduring myths have grown up about the war-torn country.
Thus was born one of the nation's most enduring, and inaccurate, myths.
The promise is built on an enduring and deep-rooted myth.
This is the land of the great enduring myth of the Seminole.
Still, however rich the reality of the Old West, it is nothing next to the enduring myths that have been spun around it.
The Serbs have an enduring myth of brave and hopeless struggle against overwhelming odds.
Other enduring myths can be traced back to this early period of assimilation.
It defined Spanish patriotism, endowing it with an enduring myth.
A look at what sells best among university press books doesn't change those numbers, but it calls into question some enduring myths.