By the time we reach the mid-twenties a distinct and enduring pattern will have developed and that pattern will last for many years.
Attraction to transgender people is an enduring pattern of experiencing sexual or romantic feelings for transgender persons.
Now, once would be unfortunate, but this is an enduring pattern.
"Nothing relates to general and enduring pattern," he said.
A goal of personality psychology is to investigate enduring patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion in individuals.
If we talk about it as an enduring pattern, by definition it's very difficult to change.
Other economists say the more enduring pattern is the widening gap between people with different levels of education.
Alongside such enduring patterns, the calendar signals contemporary controversies.
Simply put, personality is the name psychologists give to the enduring pattern of thoughts, behaviors, and feelings that characterizes each individual.
The trend is especially striking because it breaks one of the most enduring patterns in American economic history.