Kipling's enduring relevance has been noted in the United States as it has become involved in Afghanistan and other areas about which he wrote.
Although the Bible's origins date back more than 2,000 years, Nida believed that the book had an enduring relevance.
Who better to tell young people about the enduring relevance of mathematical concepts like the Pythagorean theorem?
At its most powerful, opera takes human, religious and political dramas of the past and gives them enduring relevance.
It's these unexpected reversals that make the neighborhood so complex and so appealing and, I realize, give it its enduring relevance.
There is no arguing with the enduring relevance and immediacy of this story of individual conscience versus social tyranny.
He spoke Saturday, November 3 at North Park University on his case and its enduring relevance ten years after.
Instead, she offers a pointed quotation in which Bellow refers to the enduring relevance of "King Lear."
But I think what I did then, which has enduring relevance, is describing the big picture.
Both Tadie and Carter demonstrate the enduring relevance of biography to the deeper understanding of a literary masterpiece.