Then the battle started, and they received no order to advance but stood in ranks while the enemy cannon mowed them down.
The lone enemy cannon fired again, its brutal sound punching the warm air with an almost palpable impact.
There was a sudden crash of guns as a whole battery of enemy cannon opened fire.
The enemy cannon might be far off, but it seemed that the battalion would march straight up the riverbed into the mouths of those guns.
The square stern had been an easy target for enemy cannon, and could not support the weight of heavy stern chase guns.
Only a few vestiges survived bombardment by enemy cannons during the war.
He summoned gunners and had them haul captured enemy cannon towards the village.
For the second time, he found himself staring down the pitiless gullet of enemy cannon.
There is a tradition that the defenders used sacks of wool to block up breaches in the walls created by enemy cannon.
On the southern hills he could see the enemy cannon being brought into place.