They can also go straight over obstacles, which is very useful if your enemy is defending a wall or hedgerow.
A common misconception is that it is an effective way to provide cover fire for an advancing team/squad mate, however, the point of cover fire is to suppress, but not necessarily kill, the enemy defending a position.
If players choose to battle, they are presented with a submenu of four more options: physically attack the enemy, cast a spell, use a curative item (such as a Cure potion), or defend.
That required taking a wide detour, for they were far east in the Mulun range, and the enemy had set up outposts on several mountain peaks, easily supplied by air and defended with space-based weaponry.
What has happened to the High Goddess whom that youth followed, and worshipped as they say, and what to the Gods whom their enemies defended?
Or true at least to the extent that mutual consent is involved when you attack an enemy point that you know that enemy will defend.
In addition to this, the enemy, whenever driven from other points, rallied around this battery, and defended it with desperation.
Even though this enemy had just defended his homeworld.
The enemy, after losing part of their artillery, defended themselves from the houses.
And officials had another fear, one they were prohibited for security reasons from voicing publicly: Dr. Lee's files contained information about currently deployed weapons, which could help an enemy defend against them.