But the enemy didn't face him one man at a time, or even two or three, there were a dozen at least.
With an enemy still to face, the alliance might last for many years, until each people could stand on its own.
They, like their enemies facing them, were lowering their weapons momentarily and looking up to marvel.
His enemy was facing him and firing from the hip, the bullets swarming over the Phoenix pro's head.
If both enemy and player are facing each other, the swirl is grey.
To General Moore and many others, it was a warning of what a tenacious enemy they faced.
The enemies faced depends on the environment the ninja golfer is currently in.
Imagination and knowing there are enemies about I cannot face!
He had felt it coming when his enemy had so impudently faced him in the public room of this hostelry.
It occurred to Sulu, as the enemy faced him, that the two liege lords would probably have gotten on quite well.