The splashes of the enemy gunfire began to land about those ships now.
Standing in the open, risking his life, he wanted to get the right range until the enemy gunfire felled him.
The reports of enemy gunfire echoed through the canyon.
On March 31, he was hit by enemy gunfire near Najaf.
Behind him, two other F-15's had to fly through the enemy gunfire and a storm of surface-to-air missiles.
The price of that score was 22 Marine pilots killed in action, three by enemy naval gunfire.
Núñez-Juárez was struck by enemy gunfire and died as a result of his wounds.
The force received enemy gunfire and Penelope was hit once, but suffered little damage.
While making a second rescue attempt, he was struck by enemy gunfire and died November 10, 1942.
As it prepared to land, the main rotor was struck by enemy gunfire.