You represent the last chance for Earth piloting a craft specially developed to engage the enemy hordes.
They looked out on the vast enemy horde as thousands burst open at the words of Jesus and died before they hit the ground.
There were other Saxon banners in the enemy horde.
Behind the three advancing bodies, he could see the rest of the enemy horde taking up the positions vacated by the three advancing groups.
The game has the player driving 4x4 vehicles, piloting speedboats, or proceeding on foot against enemy hordes.
The terrified enemy hordes fled the battle field.
Endless waves of enemy hordes will attack the player or players.
You, my commanders, were right, and now, thanks to Cluny, we know the secret details of the enemy horde's next attack.
The enemy horde filled the compound now, formed up in a dense-packed ring around the Terran-occupied tower.
When last seen alive he was standing upright firing into the enemy hordes that were then enveloping him.