Just as Hugh was preparing to die and his enemies leaped in for the kill, the Saxons gave out a great shout in triumph.
Another enemy, this one braver, helmetless but clad in chain mail, leapt to engage Bahzell, and the Horse Stealer smashed him into bloody ruin with a single mighty stroke.
As he regained his balance, his enemy leaped toward him.
Wildly, The Shadow's enemies leaped from their improvised trench and went diving for a doorway that led to Townley's office.
As the enemy leapt into the air to land a third time, Klag managed to roll onto his side and the landing figure only straddled him, missing altogether.
The enemy gave a great roar and suddenly leaped forward.
But before the detective could shoot down that insidious monster that snarled with its bulging teeth, an unexpected enemy leaped forward from a bush beside the drive.
But the damage was done, and Mr. Hosokawa's enemies leaped on the remark.
Certainly his enemies in the Central Committee will leap at it.
At once his enemies leapt forward.