If the vehicles could be stopped, then a major quantity of enemy supplies would be halted.
They have been used recently on operations in Afghanistan for actions such as clearing enemy supply dumps within deep cave systems.
Their infiltration and encirclement tactics had failed to panic Allied troops, and as the Japanese were unable to capture enemy supplies, they themselves starved.
Specifically, if the submarine were to encounter a ship that is transporting enemy supplies, there would be no way for the submarine to know how many civilians are on board.
Engaging them, four renegades were killed, three women captured and a large amount of enemy supplies and weapons were destroyed.
The navy's squadrons and cruisers seized enemy supplies and carried correspondence and diplomats to Europe, returning with needed munitions.
Even when enemy supplies dried up from among the local population, they were forthcoming from North Vietnam.
Aided the Allied assault across the Rhine in March 1945 by attacking marshalling yards, railway junctions, and bridges to cut off enemy supplies.
She scored hits on enemy supply dumps, machinegun nests, and entrenchments, and knocked out numerous gun emplacements.
The following year she returned to the coast of Vietnam to seek out and destroy craft moving enemy supplies.