It was a song with a fast tempo and energetic dancing.
When the cast performed on the show, their segment, with its energetic dancing and glitzy costumes, played exceptionally well.
Her energetic dancing suggests a hearty eagerness to please, while her wet chocolate eyes signal a constant fear of rejection.
Mariya Morse will lead the energetic dancing that closes the program.
They weigh as much as 2,000 pounds and were built to reinforce the first floor so it would not collapse during the energetic dancing.
And with Ms. Daniele's tableau-vivantlike choreography, which offers scant opportunities for energetic dancing, everything starts to seem like a long, secular revival meeting.
Gipsy (Tel. 702/731-1919) is small but wall-to-wall with energetic dancing (it's mostly men here, though women are welcome).
By the 1940's, as a verb, to boogie was synonymous with "to cut a rug," later applied to energetic dancing without regard to race.
Michael Jackson heard about Rabbi Intrator's energetic dancing and attended services at the synagogue in 1999.
After a while we left, half exhausted from the energetic dancing.