His Lordship had protuberant eyes, a strong nose, full lips and an excited, energetic manner.
It has been stated that he discharged his duties in an energetic and self-devoted manner.
He never spoke of her, assuming instead an ebullient and energetic manner in whatever he decided to do, a trait which won him numerous friends.
Minaj is the final rapper to appear on the song, who delivers her lines in an urgent, energetic manner.
I have never seen the clave-à-main used in such an energetic manner before!
Tristan Morgan sighed, but his old energetic manner was beginning to creep back.
Elsie Patterson was tall and spare with an energetic manner.
The chronicle of the castle states that Giulia was an able administrator who governed in a firm and energetic manner.
Talborn was tall, affable of manner; so energetic that he seemed youthful, except for his grizzled hair.
Etienne d'Americ led the defense of Montpellier in an energetic manner.