Shane's conduct on his return to Ireland was no less rebellious than before, and energetic measures against him became more imperative than ever.
By this time the emperor Justinian I was taking energetic measures to check the Goths.
We returned, somewhat disturbed in mind, to find Poirot taking energetic measures, in his own way, to ensure his personal safety.
As the stand-in for the author says, "The situation was a desperate one and called for energetic measures."
These energetic measures produced unusually large sums.
This proceeding, however, only provoked the Relaxati superiors to take energetic measures against the Zelanti.
It looked as if the pair might take an immediate departure, and so necessitate very prompt and energetic measures on my part.
Parliament expects to see energetic measures and strong improvements in this area.
Countries wishing to accede to the Union must take energetic measures to counter money laundering prior to accession.
In the Assembly they called themselves Moderates, and opposed every energetic measure with philanthropic pensiveness.