The question here is: How is that energy channeled and presented?
In part, this happens because ideas and energies normally channeled into other activities (politics, religion, philosophy ) have few outlets besides literature.
Suppose that mind formed that entire energy into the thrust of a supernova-and channeled that thrust in one narrow direction?
The energy is suddenly urgent and channeled into an exploration of an inner landscape, a passionate and obsessive investigation of being.
Now, as a mother and wife, my head is crowded with thoughts of laundry and preschool, my emotional energy channeled into the straightforward grace of family love.
This energy channeled, used to form new continuum.
The thought of all that energy of his mind channelled towards flight, my flight, my deliverance, lessens the itching in my ruined back.
The engine took the energy siphoned from the unstable situation and channelled it, obeying its instructions, pouring it in transformative form towards the Weaver/Council flow.
The beam was like all the energy of a supernova channeled into one stream, she thought with mingled horror and fascination.
Mr. Corella, with his energy channeled into tricky turns and pantherine grace, was like a genie released from a bottle.