"No one wants to take over the energy corporations," Jane said quickly.
The nuclear energy corporation has invited foreign journalists to visit the factory on Friday.
But some commercial operators, including subsidiaries of major energy corporations, have been using the exemption to cut costs.
"You are the chief executive officer of the world's largest energy corporation," Gaetano answered smoothly.
If economists believe there is trouble looming down the road, so apparently do the Energy Corporation's investment bankers.
It later emerged that the "crisis" stemmed in part from illegal practices by energy corporations such as the now-defunct Enron.
The largest corporations in the world are almost all energy corporations who, because of the influence of money in our political systems.
So long as energy corporations exist, however, they will fight tooth and nail to stop whole postal districts seceding from the national grid.
Or any of the energy corporations.
The energy corporations gave a total of $2 million to Democratic candidates over the same period, Mr. Waxman found.