The shipbuilding unit until recently relied heavily on Government military contracts, while the energy division was vulnerable to swings in the price of natural gas.
The assistant director of the board's energy division, George Riepe, said that a 100-therm-a-month customer would pay $200 to $225 more a year under the overall increases.
The business of the firm's energy division, Phibro Energy, also saw something of a turnaround.
That they pay no more than lip service to energy efficiency is evident in the new structure of the energy division, introduced following January's policy changes.
He was formerly a director of an alternative energy division for a communications construction company, but is now a full-time legislator.
Hutchison's container ports, telecommunications and energy divisions turned in particularly strong performances, while the results of its property group remained lackluster.
Wholesale profits were also used in a second scheme to disguise $1 billion in losses in the company's retail energy division, the complaint said.
After graduation, He worked at the Science Institute of China, in the atomic energy division.
An improvement in oil prices this year helped the company's energy division, but this gain was offset by low natural gas prices.
Since then they have dropped the energy division, and now focus on aluminum and plastic films.