Each will probably take in billions of dollars a year from energy exports.
The total bill for energy imports was $48.3 billion, but this was offset by energy exports, mostly coal.
The loans could be repaid with revenue from rising energy exports.
The country supplies large amounts of natural gas to Europe and energy exports are the backbone of the economy.
It is the main fuel used to make electricity, providing about 56 percent, and is also the nation's largest energy export by far.
This would mean a 70% increase in energy exports.
This proportion will change with gas becoming the major energy export in the early 1990s.
And all plans to expand Canada's energy exports will be reviewed by environmentalists.
In four years 2004-2008 the population growth of Kuwait was 11% and the energy export grew 16%.
Mr. Putin has said that Russia's foreign policy will hinge on energy exports.