But the inefficiencies like internal resistances will decrease this energy gain.
Only if the weight could be reduced to below 2 pounds per boot would the wearer have a net energy gain.
The high net energy gain of this proposal derives from the Moon's much shallower gravitational well.
In fact, we see that lion foraging behavior does not maximize their energy gain.
The net energy gain from production coal, oil and gas has declined over time as the easiest to produce sources have been most heavily depleted.
The actual energy gain will be from the effort needed and electricity used to keep the condensation process going on.
At the higher temperature, when water molecules became more mobile, this energy gain decreases, but so does the entropic component.
Both of these could independently result in a higher energy gain, which could be directed towards the host's development.
The reaction with Li is exothermic, providing a small energy gain for the reactor.
Gases are miscible (completely soluble) even though there is no energy gain or loss.