Yet by encouraging greater consumption, it increases energy demand while reducing the country's energy holdings available for future use.
Ultimately, it was forced to sell its energy holdings when some of its counterparties threatened to cut off its credit.
Among the 10 top-performing funds in the third quarter, energy holdings represented around a quarter of their total assets.
Investors of modest means might consider diversified funds that include sizable energy holdings in their portfolios.
The energy holdings are one reason for the outperformance.
Oil prices have rebounded 39.2 percent this year, improving the prospects for Loews's energy holdings.
Our biggest energy holding is Cross Timbers Oil.
With the energy holdings sold, Amaranth can turn its attention to dealing with its shellshocked investors.
The sale of the energy holdings does take pressure off Amaranth.
Ballard started calling old contacts in the oil industry, looking for companies that might be interested in diversifying their energy holdings.