For example, how are we to grasp that hot objects emit radiation in discrete parcels of energy known as quanta?
If quantum electrodynamics were an exact theory, the fine structure constant would actually diverge at an energy known as the Landau pole.
Astronomers expect the observatory's first discoveries to involve those mystifying flashes of energy known as gamma-ray bursters.
A man who receives an electric shock does not ask himself whether he believes in the form of energy known as electricity.
Epsilon Indi is the home system of an evil energy being known as Gorgan.
For instance, ninja are adept at using an obscure energy known as ki to manifest special powers of stealth and movement.
This encourages users to flatten their demand for energy, known as energy demand management, which sometimes requires cutting back services temporarily.
The energy released by the collapsing bubble, also known as cavitation, probably helps stun or kill the prey.
And the really curious thing is that, while Enigma isn't truly invisible, it's equally difficult to see in most every wavelength and form of energy known.
From this realm came the energy known as magic, but also the beings known as Daemons.