He has repeatedly stated that creating new energy regulations and taxes during an economic downturn would be a "recipe for disaster".
"It's a new approach to cost-effective energy regulation and it should be given a chance to work," she said.
In nuclear energy regulation, "Rubblization" refers to a method for decommissioning a nuclear power plant.
The next year all 13 bodies previously responsible for energy regulation had transferred responsibility to the AER.
Policies and programs are being developed for public awareness, energy regulation and legislation, and energy information and programming.
Her experience up to then largely involved obscure legal cases involving pipelines and federal energy regulations.
It describes itself as offering information on issues including, among others, energy, environment, biotechnology, pharmaceutical regulation, chemical risk, telecommunications, etc.
In the twentieth century, energy law focused mostly on natural gas regulation, but was expanded to include other areas of energy regulation as well.
To enforce the compliance to energy regulations, the agency has the power to impose administrative sanctions, for instance fines, as punishment for non-compliance.
From her dual vantage points in energy regulation, she is now questioning American attitudes toward energy.