The energy from the same explosion resulted in the other Eternals of Earth becoming immortal and gaining cosmic powers.
One wishes that their tireless energy had resulted in a happier, peaceful and more-prosperous community than now exists on the banks of the Delaware.
These low energies result in large defect concentrations, which can reach near 1% near the melting point.
His hard work and energy resulted in more land being sold in the next 18 months than in the years since 1836.
For materials that can adopt two or more structures, size-dependent free energy may result in phase stability crossover at certain sizes.
The energy measured in a seismogram may result from an earthquake or from some other source, such as an explosion.
In a traditional wave, more energy should result in a larger amplitude.
This energy supposedly results from the flow between mind, body, and spirit.
However, the energy and resources needed to produce the spines also results in decreased growth and reproduction of the colony.
The greater energy a molecule needs to bend and fit usually results in lower potency.