A low energy shock is delivered at the same time as your heartbeat to restore a normal heart rhythm.
A new energy shock is rolling through millions of mailboxes - this winter's natural gas bill.
"And the energy shock we are experiencing is also bad news for the economy and spendable income."
Half expecting an energy shock, Jake reached hesitantly for an egg.
But demand stopped growing after the energy shocks of 1973 and 1979, leaving the company with a capacity surplus of 40 percent.
Electricity has been a sideshow of this energy shock.
At Amalgamated, the second energy shock hit last month: drastically higher heating oil prices, up 51 percent over last fall.
Mr. Roach said the price of oil must stay at current levels for between three and six months to produce a true energy shock.
Before the Commander can react, the reflection-imposter renders him unconscious with an energy shock.
We also need to join the different areas of expertise which exist around Europe to create a more effective network to deal with external energy shocks.