Because nitrate oxidizers are less reactive than perchlorate oxidizers, high-energy fuels have been used to compensate for this energy shortfall.
Without action, it continues, projected energy shortfalls in coming years "will inevitably undermine our economy, our standard of living and our national security."
Initial collisional excitation can make up the energy shortfall allowing optical excitation to be used to select the final state.
Consumers in San Diego revolted last summer when electricity bills nearly tripled and when officials said the state had severe energy shortfalls 23 times.
Representing almost 25 percent of this potential energy shortfall, the Mount Hope Waterpower Project could play a significant, cost-effective role in our state's energy future.
This maniacal insistence on trying to deal with future energy shortfalls by focusing only on the supply side is lunacy.
So a budgeting shortfall today was regarded as more important than an energy shortfall tomorrow.
"It's an ongoing enterprise with tremendous earnings growth, and it's operating in an environment of energy shortfalls," Mr. Schoenwald said.
The German Green Party has opposed nuclear energy, as well as the market power of German utilities, claiming the "energy shortfall" has been artificially created.
The ever-expanding demand for oil coupled with the increased readiness of the producer states to flex their economic muscle, raised the real prospect of an energy shortfall.