Some of the energy surplus from the primary energy source can be used to create the fuel for secondary energy sources, such as for transportation.
So here we are with a couple of hours of daylight and an energy surplus.
In April 1999, Thomsen ended his Danish national team career, citing a lacking energy surplus.
You jump thirty thousand light-years toward galactic center and you carry a sizable energy surplus with you.
Power Management directed the available energy surplus into repairs to keep the shields going.
Northeast China, however, is currently the nation's rust belt, a region with an energy surplus and virtually no capacity for handling piped gas.
Like the Southwest, West Virginia is suffering from an energy surplus.
Averaged over the year, there is a net energy surplus at the equator and a net energy deficit at the poles.
The solar energy surplus is then sold back into the city's grid for a profit on every home.
This was all due, we believe, to energy surpluses from whatever caused the vanishings.