Sitting on 30-by-125-foot lots, the homes come with full basements and energy-efficient lighting and insulation that significantly reduces utility costs.
New, energy-efficient lighting was installed in late 2006 because of previous power-outages and too much electricity consumption.
The park is equipped with stadium-sized bleachers and energy-efficient lighting.
The money is to be used to install solar hot-water heaters at a housing project and energy-efficient lighting in a high school, among other projects.
"We used energy-efficient lighting and relied heavily on natural light from skylights and large windows," he said.
The investigation had applications on Earth, since it covered such topics as energy-efficient lighting and removal of pollutants from indoor air.
And it said other energy sources like solar panels and fuel cells should also be considered, along with more energy-efficient lighting, appliances and buildings.
Typically, the companies subsidize the purchase by their customers of modern energy-efficient lighting, air-conditioning and other equipment.
Many stores now have energy-efficient lighting.
Select compact fluorescent lamping option for energy-efficient lighting.