They are also essential to the effort to tackle the two big energy-related issues of the age, global warming and the world's dependence on precarious supplies of foreign oil.
Amash wants decreased federal intervention in energy-related issues.
His last post is the deputy prime minister in charge with energy-related issues.
Another option is outsourcing the energy-related issues and questions to an external service.
Cooperation within energy as an area of mutual interests, especially as a monitor of energy-related issues within other forums.
In this role he works mainly on energy-related issues and is President of the Permanent Study Group on a European Energy Community.
It was also involved in energy-related issues as they impact the environment.
Muller is President and Chief Scientist of Muller & Associates, an international consulting group specializing in energy-related issues.
Professionals in the field of energy engineering from around the world convene annually at the WEEC to discuss energy-related issues and technology such as:
Georgia Southern is involved in energy-related issues in a move toward energy independence and self-sufficiency with a focus on renewable energy and environmental science research.